Dwhite, Diwhite demand rate white noise random generators

superclass: DUGen

*new(lo, hi, length)

lo minimum value

hi maximum value

length number of values to create

Dwhite returns numbers in the continuous range between lo and hi, Diwhite returns integer values

The arguments can be a number or any other ugen

structurally related: Pwhite, WhiteNoise

see also: Demand

// example

// Dwhite



var a, freq, trig;

a = Dwhite(0, 15, inf);

trig = Impulse.kr(MouseX.kr(1, 40, 1));

freq = Demand.kr(trig, 0, a) * 30 + 340; 

SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.1



// Diwhite



var a, freq, trig;

a = Diwhite(0, 15, inf);

trig = Impulse.kr(MouseX.kr(1, 40, 1));

freq = Demand.kr(trig, 0, a) * 30 + 340; 

SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.1



// Dwhite and Diwhite



var a, freq, trig;

a = Dwhite(0, Dseq([Dgeom(1, 1.01, Diwhite(50, 800, inf))], inf) - 1, inf);

freq = Duty.kr(SampleDur.ir, 0, a) + 340; 

SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.1

